We are all human and human beings crave authentic connection. We love. We fear. We connect. We disconnect. We ebb and flow in cycles of wants, needs and desires. Sometimes we want more. Sometimes we want less. Sometimes we don’t even know we need something until it pops up right in front of us and presents a future version of ourselves.....a better version of ourselves. Armed with this view of our own future reality, suddenly we need this thing so much we will do anything to get our hands on it, spend anything to possess it. It’s full of promise. It’s going to make us happier, richer, fitter, healthier, fulfilled, free or whatever it is we desire to be or to feel in the future.
The art of connecting authentically with your dream customers is a 3 step process:
1. As a heart centred entrepreneur you need to have a very clear understanding of why you actually started this business and are offering what you are offering. It sounds obvious but there is work to be done to get to the heart of why you are compelled to do this work and who you hope to help. The aim is be in business because you absolutely love what you do and you feel energised and alive with the thought of helping others with your offering. The idea is that it comes from the most authentic part of yourself and from your own life and your own journey which is totally unique to you.
2. In order to connect with the person you wish to help....Your Ideal Customer Avatar.....you need to establish their current reality. Getting clear on everything about them, like where they live, whether they are male or female, if they have children, what they do for work, their interests and friendship circles and you also need to establish their future reality. What does the better version of themselves look like? Who are they aspiring to be like? What do they want for their future and the future of their children?
3. Your product or offering should be the bridge between their current reality and their future reality. The stepping stone that meets their need, want or desire. The way you package and deliver this offering is crucial if you want to create the desire and the sense of urgency required to trigger the actual purchase.
Here are 10 quick questions for you to consider to help you to begin to connect with your dream customers:
1. Why are you here?
2. What do you love so deeply that you wish you could share?
3. What part of your life journey has made the biggest impact on you?
4. What in the world needs fixing?
5. How do you want to spend your time?
6. Who is your Ideal Customer Avatar? Describe them in detail. As much information about them and their life as possible.
7. Did they go through any trauma growing up?
8. What do they aspire to be in the future? What does the better version of them look like?
9. What is it that you have to offer these people? How will it benefit their lives?
10. If your offering is the bridge to your Dream Customers' future reality how will you package it so that it becomes the object of their desire....something they must have?
Wishing you so much happiness & sending positive vibes your way xxxx